Fence Spikes
Looking for Fence Spikes? Vandgard offers a safer alternative that is designed to roll away aggression rather than to confront it. Unlike fence spikes and razor wire, Vandgard Anti Climb is not designed with intent to cause harm.
We are aware of the liability you take when someone is hurt on your property. Health and safety are both important, and that's what Vandgard is made for: to ensure you that you remain protected without the risk of hurting and causing any trouble to anyone who attempts to enter your property, keeping you safe and confortable against any lawsuits. Vandgard is offered both as:
Vandgard Anti-Climb Guard:
Robust and effective fencing against serious vandalism or theft risk properties.
Vandgard Roller Barrier:
Unbreakable roller tumblers designed to be difficult to climb over, ideal for sensitive areas such as care centers, schools and even prisons.